Source code for pint.facets.plain.quantity


    :copyright: 2022 by Pint Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import datetime
import locale
import numbers
import operator
from import Callable, Iterator, Sequence
from typing import (

from ..._typing import Magnitude, QuantityOrUnitLike, Scalar, UnitLike
from ...compat import (
from ...errors import DimensionalityError, OffsetUnitCalculusError, PintTypeError
from ...util import (
from . import qto
from .definitions import UnitDefinition

    from ..context import Context
    from .unit import PlainUnit as Unit
    from .unit import UnitsContainer as UnitsContainerT

    if HAS_NUMPY:
        import numpy as np  # noqa

    import uncertainties.unumpy as unp
    from uncertainties import UFloat, ufloat

except ImportError:
    unp = np
    ufloat = Ufloat = None

MagnitudeT = TypeVar("MagnitudeT", bound=Magnitude)
ScalarT = TypeVar("ScalarT", bound=Scalar)

T = TypeVar("T", bound=Magnitude)

def ireduce_dimensions(f):
    def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
        result = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
            if result._REGISTRY.autoconvert_to_preferred:
        except AttributeError:

            if result._REGISTRY.auto_reduce_dimensions:
        except AttributeError:
        return result

    return wrapped

def check_implemented(f):
    def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
        other = args[0]
        if is_upcast_type(type(other)):
            return NotImplemented
        # pandas often gets to arrays of quantities [ Q_(1,"m"), Q_(2,"m")]
        # and expects PlainQuantity * array[PlainQuantity] should return NotImplemented
        elif isinstance(other, list) and other and isinstance(other[0], type(self)):
            return NotImplemented
        return f(self, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapped

def method_wraps(numpy_func):
    if isinstance(numpy_func, str):
        numpy_func = getattr(np, numpy_func, None)

    def wrapper(func):
        func.__wrapped__ = numpy_func

        return func

    return wrapper

# TODO: remove all nonmultiplicative remnants

[docs] class PlainQuantity(Generic[MagnitudeT], PrettyIPython, SharedRegistryObject): """Implements a class to describe a physical quantity: the product of a numerical value and a unit of measurement. Parameters ---------- value : str, pint.PlainQuantity or any numeric type Value of the physical quantity to be created. units : UnitsContainer, str or pint.PlainQuantity Units of the physical quantity to be created. Returns ------- """ _magnitude: MagnitudeT @property def ndim(self) -> int: if isinstance(self.magnitude, numbers.Number): return 0 if str(type(self.magnitude)) == "NAType": return 0 return self.magnitude.ndim @property def force_ndarray(self) -> bool: return self._REGISTRY.force_ndarray @property def force_ndarray_like(self) -> bool: return self._REGISTRY.force_ndarray_like def __reduce__(self) -> tuple[type, Magnitude, UnitsContainer]: """Allow pickling quantities. Since UnitRegistries are not pickled, upon unpickling the new object is always attached to the application registry. """ from pint import _unpickle_quantity # Note: type(self) would be a mistake as subclasses built by # dinamically can't be pickled # TODO: Check if this is still the case. return _unpickle_quantity, (PlainQuantity, self.magnitude, self._units) @overload def __new__( cls, value: MagnitudeT, units: UnitLike | None = None ) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: ... @overload def __new__(cls, value: str, units: UnitLike | None = None) -> PlainQuantity[Any]: ... @overload def __new__( # type: ignore[misc] cls, value: Sequence[ScalarT], units: UnitLike | None = None ) -> PlainQuantity[Any]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, value: PlainQuantity[Any], units: UnitLike | None = None ) -> PlainQuantity[Any]: ... def __new__(cls, value, units=None): if is_upcast_type(type(value)): raise TypeError(f"PlainQuantity cannot wrap upcast type {type(value)}") if units is None and isinstance(value, str) and value == "": raise ValueError( "Expression to parse as PlainQuantity cannot be an empty string." ) if units is None and isinstance(value, str): ureg = SharedRegistryObject.__new__(cls)._REGISTRY inst = ureg.parse_expression(value) return cls.__new__(cls, inst) if units is None and isinstance(value, cls): return copy.copy(value) inst = SharedRegistryObject().__new__(cls) if units is None: units = inst.UnitsContainer() else: if isinstance(units, (UnitsContainer, UnitDefinition)): units = units elif isinstance(units, str): units = inst._REGISTRY.parse_units(units)._units elif isinstance(units, SharedRegistryObject): if isinstance(units, PlainQuantity) and units.magnitude != 1: units = copy.copy(units)._units logger.warning( "Creating new PlainQuantity using a non unity PlainQuantity as units." ) else: units = units._units else: raise TypeError( "units must be of type str, PlainQuantity or " "UnitsContainer; not {}.".format(type(units)) ) if isinstance(value, cls): magnitude = else: magnitude = _to_magnitude( value, inst.force_ndarray, inst.force_ndarray_like ) inst._magnitude = magnitude inst._units = units return inst def __iter__(self: PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]) -> Iterator[Any]: # Make sure that, if self.magnitude is not iterable, we raise TypeError as soon # as one calls iter(self) without waiting for the first element to be drawn from # the iterator it_magnitude = iter(self.magnitude) def it_outer(): for element in it_magnitude: yield self.__class__(element, self._units) return it_outer() def __copy__(self) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: ret = self.__class__(copy.copy(self._magnitude), self._units) return ret def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: ret = self.__class__( copy.deepcopy(self._magnitude, memo), copy.deepcopy(self._units, memo) ) return ret @deprecated( "This function will be removed in future versions of pint.\n" "Use ureg.formatter.format_quantity_babel" ) def format_babel(self, spec: str = "", **kwspec: Any) -> str: return self._REGISTRY.formatter.format_quantity_babel(self, spec, **kwspec) def __format__(self, spec: str) -> str: return self._REGISTRY.formatter.format_quantity(self, spec) def __str__(self) -> str: return self._REGISTRY.formatter.format_quantity(self) def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: return str(self).encode(locale.getpreferredencoding()) def __repr__(self) -> str: if HAS_UNCERTAINTIES: if isinstance(self._magnitude, UFloat): return f"<Quantity({self._magnitude:.6}, '{self._units}')>" else: return f"<Quantity({self._magnitude}, '{self._units}')>" elif isinstance(self._magnitude, float): return f"<Quantity({self._magnitude:.9}, '{self._units}')>" return f"<Quantity({self._magnitude}, '{self._units}')>" def __hash__(self) -> int: self_base = self.to_base_units() if self_base.dimensionless: return hash(self_base.magnitude) return hash((self_base.__class__, self_base.magnitude, self_base.units)) @property def magnitude(self) -> MagnitudeT: """PlainQuantity's magnitude. Long form for `m`""" return self._magnitude @property def m(self) -> MagnitudeT: """PlainQuantity's magnitude. Short form for `magnitude`""" return self._magnitude
[docs] def m_as(self, units) -> MagnitudeT: """PlainQuantity's magnitude expressed in particular units. Parameters ---------- units : pint.PlainQuantity, str or dict destination units Returns ------- """ return
@property def units(self) -> Unit: """PlainQuantity's units. Long form for `u`""" return self._REGISTRY.Unit(self._units) @property def u(self) -> Unit: """PlainQuantity's units. Short form for `units`""" return self._REGISTRY.Unit(self._units) @property def unitless(self) -> bool: """ """ return not bool(self.to_root_units()._units)
[docs] def unit_items(self) -> Iterable[tuple[str, Scalar]]: """A view of the unit items.""" return self._units.unit_items()
@property def dimensionless(self) -> bool: """ """ tmp = self.to_root_units() return not bool(tmp.dimensionality) _dimensionality: UnitsContainerT | None = None @property def dimensionality(self) -> UnitsContainerT: """ Returns ------- dict Dimensionality of the PlainQuantity, e.g. ``{length: 1, time: -1}`` """ if self._dimensionality is None: self._dimensionality = self._REGISTRY._get_dimensionality(self._units) return self._dimensionality
[docs] def check(self, dimension: UnitLike) -> bool: """Return true if the quantity's dimension matches passed dimension.""" return self.dimensionality == self._REGISTRY.get_dimensionality(dimension)
[docs] @classmethod def from_list( cls, quant_list: list[PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]], units=None ) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: """Transforms a list of Quantities into an numpy.array quantity. If no units are specified, the unit of the first element will be used. Same as from_sequence. If units is not specified and list is empty, the unit cannot be determined and a ValueError is raised. Parameters ---------- quant_list : list of pint.PlainQuantity list of pint.PlainQuantity units : UnitsContainer, str or pint.PlainQuantity units of the physical quantity to be created (Default value = None) Returns ------- pint.PlainQuantity """ return cls.from_sequence(quant_list, units=units)
[docs] @classmethod def from_sequence( cls, seq: Sequence[PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]], units=None ) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: """Transforms a sequence of Quantities into an numpy.array quantity. If no units are specified, the unit of the first element will be used. If units is not specified and sequence is empty, the unit cannot be determined and a ValueError is raised. Parameters ---------- seq : sequence of pint.PlainQuantity sequence of pint.PlainQuantity units : UnitsContainer, str or pint.PlainQuantity units of the physical quantity to be created (Default value = None) Returns ------- pint.PlainQuantity """ len_seq = len(seq) if units is None: if len_seq: units = seq[0].u else: raise ValueError("Cannot determine units from empty sequence!") a = np.empty(len_seq) for i, seq_i in enumerate(seq): a[i] = seq_i.m_as(units) # raises DimensionalityError if incompatible units are used in the sequence return cls(a, units)
@classmethod def from_tuple(cls, tup): return cls(tup[0], cls._REGISTRY.UnitsContainer(tup[1])) def to_tuple(self) -> tuple[MagnitudeT, tuple[tuple[str, ...]]]: return self.m, tuple(self._units.items()) def compatible_units(self, *contexts): if contexts: with self._REGISTRY.context(*contexts): return self._REGISTRY.get_compatible_units(self._units) return self._REGISTRY.get_compatible_units(self._units)
[docs] def is_compatible_with( self, other: Any, *contexts: str | Context, **ctx_kwargs: Any ) -> bool: """check if the other object is compatible Parameters ---------- other The object to check. Treated as dimensionless if not a PlainQuantity, Unit or str. *contexts : str or pint.Context Contexts to use in the transformation. **ctx_kwargs : Values for the Context/s Returns ------- bool """ from .unit import PlainUnit if contexts or self._REGISTRY._active_ctx: try:, *contexts, **ctx_kwargs) return True except DimensionalityError: return False if isinstance(other, (PlainQuantity, PlainUnit)): return self.dimensionality == other.dimensionality if isinstance(other, str): return ( self.dimensionality == self._REGISTRY.parse_units(other).dimensionality ) return self.dimensionless
def _convert_magnitude_not_inplace(self, other, *contexts, **ctx_kwargs): if contexts: with self._REGISTRY.context(*contexts, **ctx_kwargs): return self._REGISTRY.convert(self._magnitude, self._units, other) return self._REGISTRY.convert(self._magnitude, self._units, other) def _convert_magnitude(self, other, *contexts, **ctx_kwargs): if contexts: with self._REGISTRY.context(*contexts, **ctx_kwargs): return self._REGISTRY.convert(self._magnitude, self._units, other) return self._REGISTRY.convert( self._magnitude, self._units, other, inplace=is_duck_array_type(type(self._magnitude)), )
[docs] def ito( self, other: QuantityOrUnitLike | None = None, *contexts, **ctx_kwargs ) -> None: """Inplace rescale to different units. Parameters ---------- other : pint.PlainQuantity, str or dict Destination units. (Default value = None) *contexts : str or pint.Context Contexts to use in the transformation. **ctx_kwargs : Values for the Context/s """ other = to_units_container(other, self._REGISTRY) self._magnitude = self._convert_magnitude(other, *contexts, **ctx_kwargs) self._units = other return None
[docs] def to( self, other: QuantityOrUnitLike | None = None, *contexts, **ctx_kwargs ) -> PlainQuantity: """Return PlainQuantity rescaled to different units. Parameters ---------- other : pint.PlainQuantity, str or dict destination units. (Default value = None) *contexts : str or pint.Context Contexts to use in the transformation. **ctx_kwargs : Values for the Context/s Returns ------- pint.PlainQuantity """ other = to_units_container(other, self._REGISTRY) magnitude = self._convert_magnitude_not_inplace(other, *contexts, **ctx_kwargs) return self.__class__(magnitude, other)
[docs] def ito_root_units(self) -> None: """Return PlainQuantity rescaled to root units.""" _, other = self._REGISTRY._get_root_units(self._units) self._magnitude = self._convert_magnitude(other) self._units = other return None
[docs] def to_root_units(self) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: """Return PlainQuantity rescaled to root units.""" _, other = self._REGISTRY._get_root_units(self._units) magnitude = self._convert_magnitude_not_inplace(other) return self.__class__(magnitude, other)
[docs] def ito_base_units(self) -> None: """Return PlainQuantity rescaled to plain units.""" _, other = self._REGISTRY._get_base_units(self._units) self._magnitude = self._convert_magnitude(other) self._units = other return None
[docs] def to_base_units(self) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: """Return PlainQuantity rescaled to plain units.""" _, other = self._REGISTRY._get_base_units(self._units) magnitude = self._convert_magnitude_not_inplace(other) return self.__class__(magnitude, other)
# Functions not essential to a Quantity but it is # convenient that they live in PlainQuantity. # They are implemented elsewhere to keep Quantity class clean. to_compact = qto.to_compact to_preferred = qto.to_preferred ito_preferred = qto.ito_preferred to_reduced_units = qto.to_reduced_units ito_reduced_units = qto.ito_reduced_units # Mathematical operations def __int__(self) -> int: if self.dimensionless: return int(self._convert_magnitude_not_inplace(UnitsContainer())) raise DimensionalityError(self._units, "dimensionless") def __float__(self) -> float: if self.dimensionless: return float(self._convert_magnitude_not_inplace(UnitsContainer())) raise DimensionalityError(self._units, "dimensionless") def __complex__(self) -> complex: if self.dimensionless: return complex(self._convert_magnitude_not_inplace(UnitsContainer())) raise DimensionalityError(self._units, "dimensionless") @check_implemented def _iadd_sub(self, other, op): """Perform addition or subtraction operation in-place and return the result. Parameters ---------- other : pint.PlainQuantity or any type accepted by :func:`_to_magnitude` object to be added to / subtracted from self op : function operator function (e.g. operator.add, operator.isub) """ if not self._check(other): # other not from same Registry or not a PlainQuantity try: other_magnitude = _to_magnitude( other, self.force_ndarray, self.force_ndarray_like ) except PintTypeError: raise except TypeError: return NotImplemented if zero_or_nan(other, True): # If the other value is 0 (but not PlainQuantity 0) # do the operation without checking units. # We do the calculation instead of just returning the same # value to enforce any shape checking and type casting due to # the operation. self._magnitude = op(self._magnitude, other_magnitude) elif self.dimensionless: self.ito(self.UnitsContainer()) self._magnitude = op(self._magnitude, other_magnitude) else: raise DimensionalityError(self._units, "dimensionless") return self if not self.dimensionality == other.dimensionality: raise DimensionalityError( self._units, other._units, self.dimensionality, other.dimensionality ) # Next we define some variables to make if-clauses more readable. self_non_mul_units = self._get_non_multiplicative_units() is_self_multiplicative = len(self_non_mul_units) == 0 if len(self_non_mul_units) == 1: self_non_mul_unit = self_non_mul_units[0] other_non_mul_units = other._get_non_multiplicative_units() is_other_multiplicative = len(other_non_mul_units) == 0 if len(other_non_mul_units) == 1: other_non_mul_unit = other_non_mul_units[0] # Presence of non-multiplicative units gives rise to several cases. if is_self_multiplicative and is_other_multiplicative: if self._units == other._units: self._magnitude = op(self._magnitude, other._magnitude) # If only self has a delta unit, other determines unit of result. elif self._get_delta_units() and not other._get_delta_units(): self._magnitude = op( self._convert_magnitude(other._units), other._magnitude ) self._units = other._units else: self._magnitude = op(self._magnitude, elif ( op == operator.isub and len(self_non_mul_units) == 1 and self._units[self_non_mul_unit] == 1 and not other._has_compatible_delta(self_non_mul_unit) ): if self._units == other._units: self._magnitude = op(self._magnitude, other._magnitude) else: self._magnitude = op(self._magnitude, self._units = self._units.rename( self_non_mul_unit, "delta_" + self_non_mul_unit ) elif ( op == operator.isub and len(other_non_mul_units) == 1 and other._units[other_non_mul_unit] == 1 and not self._has_compatible_delta(other_non_mul_unit) ): # we convert to self directly since it is multiplicative self._magnitude = op(self._magnitude, elif ( len(self_non_mul_units) == 1 # order of the dimension of offset unit == 1 ? and self._units[self_non_mul_unit] == 1 and other._has_compatible_delta(self_non_mul_unit) ): # Replace offset unit in self by the corresponding delta unit. # This is done to prevent a shift by offset in the to()-call. tu = self._units.rename(self_non_mul_unit, "delta_" + self_non_mul_unit) self._magnitude = op(self._magnitude, elif ( len(other_non_mul_units) == 1 # order of the dimension of offset unit == 1 ? and other._units[other_non_mul_unit] == 1 and self._has_compatible_delta(other_non_mul_unit) ): # Replace offset unit in other by the corresponding delta unit. # This is done to prevent a shift by offset in the to()-call. tu = other._units.rename(other_non_mul_unit, "delta_" + other_non_mul_unit) self._magnitude = op(self._convert_magnitude(tu), other._magnitude) self._units = other._units else: raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units, other._units) return self @check_implemented def _add_sub(self, other, op): """Perform addition or subtraction operation and return the result. Parameters ---------- other : pint.PlainQuantity or any type accepted by :func:`_to_magnitude` object to be added to / subtracted from self op : function operator function (e.g. operator.add, operator.isub) """ if not self._check(other): # other not from same Registry or not a PlainQuantity if zero_or_nan(other, True): # If the other value is 0 or NaN (but not a PlainQuantity) # do the operation without checking units. # We do the calculation instead of just returning the same # value to enforce any shape checking and type casting due to # the operation. units = self._units magnitude = op( self._magnitude, _to_magnitude(other, self.force_ndarray, self.force_ndarray_like), ) elif self.dimensionless: units = self.UnitsContainer() magnitude = op(, _to_magnitude(other, self.force_ndarray, self.force_ndarray_like), ) else: raise DimensionalityError(self._units, "dimensionless") return self.__class__(magnitude, units) if not self.dimensionality == other.dimensionality: raise DimensionalityError( self._units, other._units, self.dimensionality, other.dimensionality ) # Next we define some variables to make if-clauses more readable. self_non_mul_units = self._get_non_multiplicative_units() is_self_multiplicative = len(self_non_mul_units) == 0 if len(self_non_mul_units) == 1: self_non_mul_unit = self_non_mul_units[0] other_non_mul_units = other._get_non_multiplicative_units() is_other_multiplicative = len(other_non_mul_units) == 0 if len(other_non_mul_units) == 1: other_non_mul_unit = other_non_mul_units[0] # Presence of non-multiplicative units gives rise to several cases. if is_self_multiplicative and is_other_multiplicative: if self._units == other._units: magnitude = op(self._magnitude, other._magnitude) units = self._units # If only self has a delta unit, other determines unit of result. elif self._get_delta_units() and not other._get_delta_units(): magnitude = op( self._convert_magnitude_not_inplace(other._units), other._magnitude ) units = other._units else: units = self._units magnitude = op(self._magnitude, elif ( op == operator.sub and len(self_non_mul_units) == 1 and self._units[self_non_mul_unit] == 1 and not other._has_compatible_delta(self_non_mul_unit) ): if self._units == other._units: magnitude = op(self._magnitude, other._magnitude) else: magnitude = op(self._magnitude, units = self._units.rename(self_non_mul_unit, "delta_" + self_non_mul_unit) elif ( op == operator.sub and len(other_non_mul_units) == 1 and other._units[other_non_mul_unit] == 1 and not self._has_compatible_delta(other_non_mul_unit) ): # we convert to self directly since it is multiplicative magnitude = op(self._magnitude, units = self._units elif ( len(self_non_mul_units) == 1 # order of the dimension of offset unit == 1 ? and self._units[self_non_mul_unit] == 1 and other._has_compatible_delta(self_non_mul_unit) ): # Replace offset unit in self by the corresponding delta unit. # This is done to prevent a shift by offset in the to()-call. tu = self._units.rename(self_non_mul_unit, "delta_" + self_non_mul_unit) magnitude = op(self._magnitude, units = self._units elif ( len(other_non_mul_units) == 1 # order of the dimension of offset unit == 1 ? and other._units[other_non_mul_unit] == 1 and self._has_compatible_delta(other_non_mul_unit) ): # Replace offset unit in other by the corresponding delta unit. # This is done to prevent a shift by offset in the to()-call. tu = other._units.rename(other_non_mul_unit, "delta_" + other_non_mul_unit) magnitude = op(self._convert_magnitude_not_inplace(tu), other._magnitude) units = other._units else: raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units, other._units) return self.__class__(magnitude, units) @overload def __iadd__(self, other: datetime.datetime) -> datetime.timedelta: # type: ignore[misc] ... @overload def __iadd__(self, other) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: ... def __iadd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, datetime.datetime): return self.to_timedelta() + other elif is_duck_array_type(type(self._magnitude)): return self._iadd_sub(other, operator.iadd) return self._add_sub(other, operator.add) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, datetime.datetime): return self.to_timedelta() + other return self._add_sub(other, operator.add) __radd__ = __add__ def __isub__(self, other): if is_duck_array_type(type(self._magnitude)): return self._iadd_sub(other, operator.isub) return self._add_sub(other, operator.sub) def __sub__(self, other): return self._add_sub(other, operator.sub) def __rsub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, datetime.datetime): return other - self.to_timedelta() return -self._add_sub(other, operator.sub) @check_implemented @ireduce_dimensions def _imul_div(self, other, magnitude_op, units_op=None): """Perform multiplication or division operation in-place and return the result. Parameters ---------- other : pint.PlainQuantity or any type accepted by :func:`_to_magnitude` object to be multiplied/divided with self magnitude_op : function operator function to perform on the magnitudes (e.g. operator.mul) units_op : function or None operator function to perform on the units; if None, *magnitude_op* is used (Default value = None) Returns ------- """ if units_op is None: units_op = magnitude_op offset_units_self = self._get_non_multiplicative_units() no_offset_units_self = len(offset_units_self) if not self._check(other): if not self._ok_for_muldiv(no_offset_units_self): raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units, getattr(other, "units", "")) if len(offset_units_self) == 1: if self._units[offset_units_self[0]] != 1 or magnitude_op not in ( operator.mul, operator.imul, ): raise OffsetUnitCalculusError( self._units, getattr(other, "units", "") ) try: other_magnitude = _to_magnitude( other, self.force_ndarray, self.force_ndarray_like ) except PintTypeError: raise except TypeError: return NotImplemented self._magnitude = magnitude_op(self._magnitude, other_magnitude) self._units = units_op(self._units, self.UnitsContainer()) return self if isinstance(other, self._REGISTRY.Unit): other = 1 * other if not self._ok_for_muldiv(no_offset_units_self): raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units, other._units) elif no_offset_units_self == len(self._units) == 1: self.ito_root_units() no_offset_units_other = len(other._get_non_multiplicative_units()) if not other._ok_for_muldiv(no_offset_units_other): raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units, other._units) elif no_offset_units_other == len(other._units) == 1: other.ito_root_units() self._magnitude = magnitude_op(self._magnitude, other._magnitude) self._units = units_op(self._units, other._units) return self @check_implemented @ireduce_dimensions def _mul_div(self, other, magnitude_op, units_op=None): """Perform multiplication or division operation and return the result. Parameters ---------- other : pint.PlainQuantity or any type accepted by :func:`_to_magnitude` object to be multiplied/divided with self magnitude_op : function operator function to perform on the magnitudes (e.g. operator.mul) units_op : function or None operator function to perform on the units; if None, *magnitude_op* is used (Default value = None) Returns ------- """ if units_op is None: units_op = magnitude_op offset_units_self = self._get_non_multiplicative_units() no_offset_units_self = len(offset_units_self) if not self._check(other): if not self._ok_for_muldiv(no_offset_units_self): raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units, getattr(other, "units", "")) if len(offset_units_self) == 1: if self._units[offset_units_self[0]] != 1 or magnitude_op not in ( operator.mul, operator.imul, ): raise OffsetUnitCalculusError( self._units, getattr(other, "units", "") ) try: other_magnitude = _to_magnitude( other, self.force_ndarray, self.force_ndarray_like ) except PintTypeError: raise except TypeError: return NotImplemented magnitude = magnitude_op(self._magnitude, other_magnitude) units = units_op(self._units, self.UnitsContainer()) return self.__class__(magnitude, units) if isinstance(other, self._REGISTRY.Unit): other = 1 * other new_self = self if not self._ok_for_muldiv(no_offset_units_self): raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units, other._units) elif no_offset_units_self == len(self._units) == 1: new_self = self.to_root_units() no_offset_units_other = len(other._get_non_multiplicative_units()) if not other._ok_for_muldiv(no_offset_units_other): raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units, other._units) elif no_offset_units_other == len(other._units) == 1: other = other.to_root_units() magnitude = magnitude_op(new_self._magnitude, other._magnitude) units = units_op(new_self._units, other._units) return self.__class__(magnitude, units) def __imul__(self, other): if is_duck_array_type(type(self._magnitude)): return self._imul_div(other, operator.imul) return self._mul_div(other, operator.mul) def __mul__(self, other): return self._mul_div(other, operator.mul) __rmul__ = __mul__ def __matmul__(self, other): return np.matmul(self, other) __rmatmul__ = __matmul__ def _truedivide_cast_int(self, a, b): t = self._REGISTRY.non_int_type if isinstance(a, int): a = t(a) if isinstance(b, int): b = t(b) return operator.truediv(a, b) def __itruediv__(self, other): if is_duck_array_type(type(self._magnitude)): return self._imul_div(other, operator.itruediv) return self._mul_div(other, operator.truediv) def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(self.m, int) or isinstance(getattr(other, "m", None), int): return self._mul_div(other, self._truedivide_cast_int, operator.truediv) return self._mul_div(other, operator.truediv) def __rtruediv__(self, other): try: other_magnitude = _to_magnitude( other, self.force_ndarray, self.force_ndarray_like ) except PintTypeError: raise except TypeError: return NotImplemented no_offset_units_self = len(self._get_non_multiplicative_units()) if not self._ok_for_muldiv(no_offset_units_self): raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units, "") elif no_offset_units_self == len(self._units) == 1: self = self.to_root_units() return self.__class__(other_magnitude / self._magnitude, 1 / self._units) __div__ = __truediv__ __rdiv__ = __rtruediv__ __idiv__ = __itruediv__ def __ifloordiv__(self, other): if self._check(other): self._magnitude //= elif self.dimensionless: self._magnitude ="")._magnitude // other else: raise DimensionalityError(self._units, "dimensionless") self._units = self.UnitsContainer({}) return self @check_implemented def __floordiv__(self, other): if self._check(other): magnitude = self._magnitude // elif self.dimensionless: magnitude ="")._magnitude // other else: raise DimensionalityError(self._units, "dimensionless") return self.__class__(magnitude, self.UnitsContainer({})) @check_implemented def __rfloordiv__(self, other): if self._check(other): magnitude = other._magnitude // elif self.dimensionless: magnitude = other //"")._magnitude else: raise DimensionalityError(self._units, "dimensionless") return self.__class__(magnitude, self.UnitsContainer({})) @check_implemented def __imod__(self, other): if not self._check(other): other = self.__class__(other, self.UnitsContainer({})) self._magnitude %= return self @check_implemented def __mod__(self, other): if not self._check(other): other = self.__class__(other, self.UnitsContainer({})) magnitude = self._magnitude % return self.__class__(magnitude, self._units) @check_implemented def __rmod__(self, other): if self._check(other): magnitude = other._magnitude % return self.__class__(magnitude, other._units) elif self.dimensionless: magnitude = other %"")._magnitude return self.__class__(magnitude, self.UnitsContainer({})) else: raise DimensionalityError(self._units, "dimensionless") @check_implemented def __divmod__(self, other): if not self._check(other): other = self.__class__(other, self.UnitsContainer({})) q, r = divmod(self._magnitude, return ( self.__class__(q, self.UnitsContainer({})), self.__class__(r, self._units), ) @check_implemented def __rdivmod__(self, other): if self._check(other): q, r = divmod(other._magnitude, unit = other._units elif self.dimensionless: q, r = divmod(other,"")._magnitude) unit = self.UnitsContainer({}) else: raise DimensionalityError(self._units, "dimensionless") return (self.__class__(q, self.UnitsContainer({})), self.__class__(r, unit)) @check_implemented def __ipow__(self, other): if not is_duck_array_type(type(self._magnitude)): return self.__pow__(other) try: _to_magnitude(other, self.force_ndarray, self.force_ndarray_like) except PintTypeError: raise except TypeError: return NotImplemented else: if not self._ok_for_muldiv: raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units) if is_duck_array_type(type(getattr(other, "_magnitude", other))): # arrays are refused as exponent, because they would create # len(array) quantities of len(set(array)) different units # unless the plain is dimensionless. Ensure dimensionless # units are reduced to "dimensionless". # Note: this will strip Units of degrees or radians from PlainQuantity if self.dimensionless: if getattr(other, "dimensionless", False): self._magnitude = self.m_as("") ** other.m_as("") self._units = self.UnitsContainer() return self elif not getattr(other, "dimensionless", True): raise DimensionalityError(other._units, "dimensionless") else: self._magnitude = self.m_as("") ** other self._units = self.UnitsContainer() return self elif np.size(other) > 1: raise DimensionalityError( self._units, "dimensionless", extra_msg=". PlainQuantity array exponents are only allowed if the " "plain is dimensionless", ) if other == 1: return self elif other == 0: self._units = self.UnitsContainer() else: if not self._is_multiplicative: if self._REGISTRY.autoconvert_offset_to_baseunit: self.ito_base_units() else: raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units) if getattr(other, "dimensionless", False): other = other.to_base_units().magnitude self._units **= other elif not getattr(other, "dimensionless", True): raise DimensionalityError(self._units, "dimensionless") else: self._units **= other self._magnitude **= _to_magnitude( other, self.force_ndarray, self.force_ndarray_like ) return self @check_implemented def __pow__(self, other) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: try: _to_magnitude(other, self.force_ndarray, self.force_ndarray_like) except PintTypeError: raise except TypeError: return NotImplemented else: if not self._ok_for_muldiv: raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units) if is_duck_array_type(type(getattr(other, "_magnitude", other))): # arrays are refused as exponent, because they would create # len(array) quantities of len(set(array)) different units # unless the plain is dimensionless. # Note: this will strip Units of degrees or radians from PlainQuantity if self.dimensionless: if getattr(other, "dimensionless", False): return self.__class__( self._convert_magnitude_not_inplace(self.UnitsContainer()) ** other.m_as("") ) elif not getattr(other, "dimensionless", True): raise DimensionalityError(other._units, "dimensionless") else: return self.__class__( self._convert_magnitude_not_inplace(self.UnitsContainer()) ** other ) elif np.size(other) > 1: raise DimensionalityError( self._units, "dimensionless", extra_msg=". PlainQuantity array exponents are only allowed if the " "plain is dimensionless", ) new_self = self if other == 1: return self elif other == 0: exponent = 0 units = self.UnitsContainer() else: if not self._is_multiplicative: if self._REGISTRY.autoconvert_offset_to_baseunit: new_self = self.to_root_units() else: raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units) if getattr(other, "dimensionless", False): exponent = other.to_root_units().magnitude units = new_self._units**exponent elif not getattr(other, "dimensionless", True): raise DimensionalityError(other._units, "dimensionless") else: exponent = _to_magnitude( other, force_ndarray=False, force_ndarray_like=False ) units = new_self._units**exponent magnitude = new_self._magnitude**exponent return self.__class__(magnitude, units) @check_implemented def __rpow__(self, other) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: try: _to_magnitude(other, self.force_ndarray, self.force_ndarray_like) except PintTypeError: raise except TypeError: return NotImplemented else: if not self.dimensionless: raise DimensionalityError(self._units, "dimensionless") new_self = self.to_root_units() return other**new_self._magnitude def __abs__(self) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: return self.__class__(abs(self._magnitude), self._units) def __round__(self, ndigits: int | None = 0) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: return self.__class__(round(self._magnitude, ndigits=ndigits), self._units) def __pos__(self) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: return self.__class__(operator.pos(self._magnitude), self._units) def __neg__(self) -> PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]: return self.__class__(operator.neg(self._magnitude), self._units) @check_implemented def __eq__(self, other): def bool_result(value): nonlocal other if not is_duck_array_type(type(self._magnitude)): return value if isinstance(other, PlainQuantity): other = other._magnitude template, _ = np.broadcast_arrays(self._magnitude, other) return np.full_like(template, fill_value=value, dtype=np.bool_) # We compare to the plain class of PlainQuantity because # each PlainQuantity class is unique. if not isinstance(other, PlainQuantity): if other is None: # A loop in pandas-dev/pandas/core/ can result in OTHER being None return bool_result(False) if zero_or_nan(other, True): # Handle the special case in which we compare to zero or NaN # (or an array of zeros or NaNs) if self._is_multiplicative: # compare magnitude return eq(self._magnitude, other, False) else: # compare the magnitude after converting the # non-multiplicative quantity to plain units if self._REGISTRY.autoconvert_offset_to_baseunit: return eq(self.to_base_units()._magnitude, other, False) else: raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units) if self.dimensionless: return eq( self._convert_magnitude_not_inplace(self.UnitsContainer()), other, False, ) return bool_result(False) # TODO: this might be expensive. Do we even need it? if eq(self._magnitude, 0, True) and eq(other._magnitude, 0, True): return bool_result(self.dimensionality == other.dimensionality) if self._units == other._units: return eq(self._magnitude, other._magnitude, False) try: return eq( self._convert_magnitude_not_inplace(other._units), other._magnitude, False, ) except DimensionalityError: return bool_result(False) @check_implemented def __ne__(self, other): out = self.__eq__(other) if is_duck_array_type(type(out)): return np.logical_not(out) return not out @check_implemented def compare(self, other, op): if not isinstance(other, PlainQuantity): if self.dimensionless: return op( self._convert_magnitude_not_inplace(self.UnitsContainer()), other ) elif zero_or_nan(other, True): # Handle the special case in which we compare to zero or NaN # (or an array of zeros or NaNs) if self._is_multiplicative: # compare magnitude return op(self._magnitude, other) else: # compare the magnitude after converting the # non-multiplicative quantity to plain units if self._REGISTRY.autoconvert_offset_to_baseunit: return op(self.to_base_units()._magnitude, other) else: raise OffsetUnitCalculusError(self._units) else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot compare PlainQuantity and {type(other)}") # Registry equality check based on util.SharedRegistryObject if self._REGISTRY is not other._REGISTRY: mess = "Cannot operate with {} and {} of different registries." raise ValueError( mess.format(self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__) ) if self._units == other._units: return op(self._magnitude, other._magnitude) if self.dimensionality != other.dimensionality: raise DimensionalityError( self._units, other._units, self.dimensionality, other.dimensionality ) return op(self.to_root_units().magnitude, other.to_root_units().magnitude) __lt__ = lambda self, other:, __le__ = lambda self, other:, op=operator.le) __ge__ = lambda self, other:, __gt__ = lambda self, other:, def __bool__(self) -> bool: # Only cast when non-ambiguous (when multiplicative unit) if self._is_multiplicative: return bool(self._magnitude) else: raise ValueError( "Boolean value of PlainQuantity with offset unit is ambiguous." ) __nonzero__ = __bool__ def tolist(self): units = self._units try: values = self._magnitude.tolist() if not isinstance(values, list): return self.__class__(values, units) return [ self.__class__(value, units).tolist() if isinstance(value, list) else self.__class__(value, units) for value in self._magnitude.tolist() ] except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( f"Magnitude '{type(self._magnitude).__name__}' does not support tolist." ) def _get_unit_definition(self, unit: str) -> UnitDefinition: try: return self._REGISTRY._units[unit] except KeyError: # pint#1062: The __init__ method of this object added the unit to # UnitRegistry._units (e.g. units with prefix are added on the fly the # first time they're used) but the key was later removed, e.g. because # a Context with unit redefinitions was deactivated. self._REGISTRY.parse_units(unit) return self._REGISTRY._units[unit] # methods/properties that help for math operations with offset units @property def _is_multiplicative(self) -> bool: """Check if the PlainQuantity object has only multiplicative units.""" return True def _get_non_multiplicative_units(self) -> list[str]: """Return a list of the of non-multiplicative units of the PlainQuantity object.""" return [] def _get_delta_units(self) -> list[str]: """Return list of delta units ot the PlainQuantity object.""" return [u for u in self._units if u.startswith("delta_")] def _has_compatible_delta(self, unit: str) -> bool: """ "Check if PlainQuantity object has a delta_unit that is compatible with unit""" return False def _ok_for_muldiv(self, no_offset_units=None) -> bool: return True def to_timedelta(self: PlainQuantity[MagnitudeT]) -> datetime.timedelta: return datetime.timedelta("microseconds").magnitude) # We put this last to avoid overriding UnitsContainer # and I do not want to rename it. # TODO: Maybe in the future we need to change it to a more meaningful # non-colliding name. @property def UnitsContainer(self) -> Callable[..., UnitsContainerT]: return self._REGISTRY.UnitsContainer