Source code for pint.facets.plain.registry


    :copyright: 2022 by Pint Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

    The registry contains the following important methods:

    - parse_unit_name: Parse a unit to identify prefix, unit name and suffix
      by walking the list of prefix and suffix.
      Result is cached: NO
    - parse_units: Parse a units expression and returns a UnitContainer with
      the canonical names.
      The expression can only contain products, ratios and powers of units;
      prefixed units and pluralized units.
      Result is cached: YES
    - parse_expression: Parse a mathematical expression including units and
      return a quantity object.
      Result is cached: NO


from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import pathlib
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from import Callable, Generator, Iterable, Iterator
from decimal import Decimal
from fractions import Fraction
from token import NAME, NUMBER
from tokenize import TokenInfo
from typing import (

    from ...compat import Locale
    from ..context import Context

    # from ..._typing import Quantity, Unit

import appdirs

from ... import pint_eval
from ..._typing import (
from ...compat import Self, TypeAlias, deprecated
from ...errors import DimensionalityError, RedefinitionError, UndefinedUnitError
from ...pint_eval import build_eval_tree
from ...util import (
from ...util import UnitsContainer as UnitsContainer
from .definitions import (
from .objects import PlainQuantity, PlainUnit

T = TypeVar("T")

_BLOCK_RE = re.compile(r"[ (]")

def pattern_to_regex(pattern: str | re.Pattern[str]) -> re.Pattern[str]:
    # TODO: This has been changed during typing improvements.
    # if hasattr(pattern, "finditer"):
    if not isinstance(pattern, str):
        pattern = pattern.pattern

    # Replace "{unit_name}" match string with float regex with unit_name as group
    pattern = re.sub(
        r"{(\w+)}", r"(?P<\1>[+-]?[0-9]+(?:.[0-9]+)?(?:[Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?)", pattern

    return re.compile(pattern)

NON_INT_TYPE = type[Union[float, Decimal, Fraction]]
PreprocessorType = Callable[[str], str]

class RegistryCache:
    """Cache to speed up unit registries"""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        #: Maps dimensionality (UnitsContainer) to Units (str)
        self.dimensional_equivalents: dict[UnitsContainer, frozenset[str]] = {}

        #: Maps dimensionality (UnitsContainer) to Dimensionality (UnitsContainer)
        # TODO: this description is not right.
        self.root_units: dict[UnitsContainer, tuple[Scalar, UnitsContainer]] = {}

        #: Maps dimensionality (UnitsContainer) to Units (UnitsContainer)
        self.dimensionality: dict[UnitsContainer, UnitsContainer] = {}

        #: Cache the unit name associated to user input. ('mV' -> 'millivolt')
        self.parse_unit: dict[str, UnitsContainer] = {}

        self.conversion_factor: dict[
            tuple[UnitsContainer, UnitsContainer], Scalar | DimensionalityError
        ] = {}

    def __eq__(self, other: Any):
        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return False
        attrs = (
        return all(getattr(self, attr) == getattr(other, attr) for attr in attrs)

class RegistryMeta(type):
    """This is just to call after_init at the right time
    instead of asking the developer to do it when subclassing.

    def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
        obj = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
        return obj

# Generic types used to mark types associated to Registries.
QuantityT = TypeVar("QuantityT", bound=PlainQuantity[Any])
UnitT = TypeVar("UnitT", bound=PlainUnit)

[docs] class GenericPlainRegistry(Generic[QuantityT, UnitT], metaclass=RegistryMeta): """Base class for all registries. Capabilities: - Register units, prefixes, and dimensions, and their relations. - Convert between units. - Find dimensionality of a unit. - Parse units with prefix and/or suffix. - Parse expressions. - Parse a definition file. - Allow extending the definition file parser by registering @ directives. Parameters ---------- filename : str or None path of the units definition file to load or line iterable object. Empty to load the default definition file. None to leave the UnitRegistry empty. force_ndarray : bool convert any input, scalar or not to a numpy.ndarray. force_ndarray_like : bool convert all inputs other than duck arrays to a numpy.ndarray. on_redefinition : str action to take in case a unit is redefined: 'warn', 'raise', 'ignore' auto_reduce_dimensions : If True, reduce dimensionality on appropriate operations. autoconvert_to_preferred : If True, converts preferred units on appropriate operations. preprocessors : list of callables which are iteratively ran on any input expression or unit string fmt_locale : locale identifier string, used in `format_babel` non_int_type : type numerical type used for non integer values. (Default: float) case_sensitive : bool, optional Control default case sensitivity of unit parsing. (Default: True) cache_folder : str or pathlib.Path or None, optional Specify the folder in which cache files are saved and loaded from. If None, the cache is disabled. (default) separate_format_defaults : bool, optional Separate the default format into magnitude and unit formats as soon as possible. The deprecated default is not to separate. This will change in a future release. """ Quantity: type[QuantityT] Unit: type[UnitT] _diskcache = None _def_parser = None def __init__( self, filename="", force_ndarray: bool = False, force_ndarray_like: bool = False, on_redefinition: str = "warn", auto_reduce_dimensions: bool = False, autoconvert_to_preferred: bool = False, preprocessors: list[PreprocessorType] | None = None, fmt_locale: str | None = None, non_int_type: NON_INT_TYPE = float, case_sensitive: bool = True, cache_folder: str | pathlib.Path | None = None, separate_format_defaults: bool | None = None, mpl_formatter: str = "{:P}", ): #: Map a definition class to a adder methods. self._adders: Handler = {} self._register_definition_adders() self._init_dynamic_classes() if cache_folder == ":auto:": cache_folder = appdirs.user_cache_dir(appname="pint", appauthor=False) cache_folder = pathlib.Path(cache_folder) from ... import delegates # TODO: change thiss if cache_folder is not None: self._diskcache = delegates.build_disk_cache_class(non_int_type)( cache_folder ) self._def_parser = delegates.txt_defparser.DefParser( delegates.ParserConfig(non_int_type), diskcache=self._diskcache ) self.formatter = delegates.Formatter(self) self._filename = filename self.force_ndarray = force_ndarray self.force_ndarray_like = force_ndarray_like self.preprocessors = preprocessors or [] # use a default preprocessor to support "%" self.preprocessors.insert(0, lambda string: string.replace("%", " percent ")) #: mode used to fill in the format defaults self.separate_format_defaults = separate_format_defaults #: Action to take in case a unit is redefined. 'warn', 'raise', 'ignore' self._on_redefinition = on_redefinition #: Determines if dimensionality should be reduced on appropriate operations. self.auto_reduce_dimensions = auto_reduce_dimensions #: Determines if units will be converted to preffered on appropriate operations. self.autoconvert_to_preferred = autoconvert_to_preferred #: Default locale identifier string, used when calling format_babel without explicit locale. self.formatter.set_locale(fmt_locale) #: sets the formatter used when plotting with matplotlib self.mpl_formatter = mpl_formatter #: Numerical type used for non integer values. self._non_int_type = non_int_type #: Default unit case sensitivity self.case_sensitive = case_sensitive #: Map between name (string) and value (string) of defaults stored in the #: definitions file. self._defaults: dict[str, str] = {} #: Map dimension name (string) to its definition (DimensionDefinition). self._dimensions: dict[ str, DimensionDefinition | DerivedDimensionDefinition ] = {} #: Map unit name (string) to its definition (UnitDefinition). #: Might contain prefixed units. self._units: dict[str, UnitDefinition] = {} #: List base unit names self._base_units: list[str] = [] #: Map unit name in lower case (string) to a set of unit names with the right #: case. #: Does not contain prefixed units. #: e.g: 'hz' - > set('Hz', ) self._units_casei: dict[str, set[str]] = defaultdict(set) #: Map prefix name (string) to its definition (PrefixDefinition). self._prefixes: dict[str, PrefixDefinition] = {"": PrefixDefinition("", 1)} #: Map suffix name (string) to canonical , and unit alias to canonical unit name self._suffixes: dict[str, str] = {"": "", "s": ""} #: Map contexts to RegistryCache self._cache = RegistryCache() self._initialized = False def _init_dynamic_classes(self) -> None: """Generate subclasses on the fly and attach them to self""" self.Unit = create_class_with_registry(self, self.Unit) self.Quantity = create_class_with_registry(self, self.Quantity) def _after_init(self) -> None: """This should be called after all __init__""" if self._filename == "": path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "default_en.txt" loaded_files = self.load_definitions(path, True) elif self._filename is not None: loaded_files = self.load_definitions(self._filename) else: loaded_files = None self._build_cache(loaded_files) self._initialized = True def _register_adder( self, definition_class: type[T], adder_func: Callable[ [ T, ], None, ], ) -> None: """Register a block definition.""" self._adders[definition_class] = adder_func def _register_definition_adders(self) -> None: self._register_adder(AliasDefinition, self._add_alias) self._register_adder(DefaultsDefinition, self._add_defaults) self._register_adder(CommentDefinition, lambda o: o) self._register_adder(PrefixDefinition, self._add_prefix) self._register_adder(UnitDefinition, self._add_unit) self._register_adder(DimensionDefinition, self._add_dimension) self._register_adder(DerivedDimensionDefinition, self._add_derived_dimension) def __deepcopy__(self: Self, memo) -> type[Self]: new = object.__new__(type(self)) new.__dict__ = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__, memo) new._init_dynamic_classes() return new def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> QuantityT: getattr_maybe_raise(self, item) # self.Unit will call parse_units return self.Unit(item) def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> UnitT: logger.warning( "Calling the getitem method from a UnitRegistry is deprecated. " "use `parse_expression` method or use the registry as a callable." ) return self.parse_expression(item) def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool: """Support checking prefixed units with the `in` operator""" try: self.__getattr__(item) return True except UndefinedUnitError: return False def __dir__(self) -> list[str]: #: Calling dir(registry) gives all units, methods, and attributes. #: Also used for autocompletion in IPython. return list(self._units.keys()) + list(object.__dir__(self)) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Allows for listing all units in registry with `list(ureg)`. Returns ------- Iterator over names of all units in registry, ordered alphabetically. """ return iter(sorted(self._units.keys())) @property @deprecated( "This function will be removed in future versions of pint.\n" "Use ureg.formatter.fmt_locale" ) def fmt_locale(self) -> Locale | None: return self.formatter.locale @fmt_locale.setter @deprecated( "This function will be removed in future versions of pint.\n" "Use ureg.formatter.set_locale" ) def fmt_locale(self, loc: str | None): self.formatter.set_locale(loc)
[docs] @deprecated( "This function will be removed in future versions of pint.\n" "Use ureg.formatter.set_locale" ) def set_fmt_locale(self, loc: str | None) -> None: """Change the locale used by default by `format_babel`. Parameters ---------- loc : str or None None` (do not translate), 'sys' (detect the system locale) or a locale id string. """ self.formatter.set_locale(loc)
@property @deprecated( "This function will be removed in future versions of pint.\n" "Use ureg.formatter.default_format" ) def default_format(self) -> str: """Default formatting string for quantities.""" return self.formatter.default_format @default_format.setter @deprecated( "This function will be removed in future versions of pint.\n" "Use ureg.formatter.default_format" ) def default_format(self, value: str) -> None: self.formatter.default_format = value @property def cache_folder(self) -> pathlib.Path | None: if self._diskcache: return self._diskcache.cache_folder return None @property def non_int_type(self): return self._non_int_type
[docs] def define(self, definition: str | type) -> None: """Add unit to the registry. Parameters ---------- definition : str or Definition a dimension, unit or prefix definition. """ if isinstance(definition, str): parsed_project = self._def_parser.parse_string(definition) for definition in self._def_parser.iter_parsed_project(parsed_project): self._helper_dispatch_adder(definition) else: self._helper_dispatch_adder(definition)
############ # Adders # - we first provide some helpers that deal with repetitive task. # - then we define specific adder for each definition class. :-D ############ def _helper_dispatch_adder(self, definition: Any) -> None: """Helper function to add a single definition, choosing the appropiate method by class. """ for cls in inspect.getmro(definition.__class__): if cls in self._adders: adder_func = self._adders[cls] break else: raise TypeError( f"No loader function defined " f"for {definition.__class__.__name__}" ) adder_func(definition) def _helper_adder( self, definition: NamedDefinition, target_dict: dict[str, Any], casei_target_dict: dict[str, Any] | None, ) -> None: """Helper function to store a definition in the internal dictionaries. It stores the definition under its name, symbol and aliases. """ self._helper_single_adder(, definition, target_dict, casei_target_dict ) # TODO: Not sure why but using hasattr does not work here. if getattr(definition, "has_symbol", ""): self._helper_single_adder( definition.symbol, definition, target_dict, casei_target_dict ) for alias in getattr(definition, "aliases", ()): if " " in alias: logger.warn("Alias cannot contain a space: " + alias) self._helper_single_adder(alias, definition, target_dict, casei_target_dict) def _helper_single_adder( self, key: str, value: NamedDefinition, target_dict: dict[str, Any], casei_target_dict: dict[str, Any] | None, ) -> None: """Helper function to store a definition in the internal dictionaries. It warns or raise error on redefinition. """ if key in target_dict: if self._on_redefinition == "raise": raise RedefinitionError(key, type(value)) elif self._on_redefinition == "warn": logger.warning(f"Redefining '{key}' ({type(value)})") target_dict[key] = value if casei_target_dict is not None: casei_target_dict[key.lower()].add(key) def _add_defaults(self, defaults_definition: DefaultsDefinition) -> None: for k, v in defaults_definition.items(): self._defaults[k] = v def _add_alias(self, definition: AliasDefinition) -> None: unit_dict = self._units unit = unit_dict[] while not isinstance(unit, UnitDefinition): unit = unit_dict[] for alias in definition.aliases: self._helper_single_adder(alias, unit, self._units, self._units_casei) def _add_dimension(self, definition: DimensionDefinition) -> None: self._helper_adder(definition, self._dimensions, None) def _add_derived_dimension(self, definition: DerivedDimensionDefinition) -> None: for dim_name in definition.reference.keys(): if dim_name not in self._dimensions: self._add_dimension(DimensionDefinition(dim_name)) self._helper_adder(definition, self._dimensions, None) def _add_prefix(self, definition: PrefixDefinition) -> None: self._helper_adder(definition, self._prefixes, None) def _add_unit(self, definition: UnitDefinition) -> None: if definition.is_base: self._base_units.append( for dim_name in definition.reference.keys(): if dim_name not in self._dimensions: self._add_dimension(DimensionDefinition(dim_name)) self._helper_adder(definition, self._units, self._units_casei)
[docs] def load_definitions( self, file: Iterable[str] | str | pathlib.Path, is_resource: bool = False ): """Add units and prefixes defined in a definition text file. Parameters ---------- file : can be a filename or a line iterable. is_resource : used to indicate that the file is a resource file and therefore should be loaded from the package. (Default value = False) """ if isinstance(file, (list, tuple)): # TODO: this hack was to keep it backwards compatible. parsed_project = self._def_parser.parse_string("\n".join(file)) else: parsed_project = self._def_parser.parse_file(file) for definition in self._def_parser.iter_parsed_project(parsed_project): self._helper_dispatch_adder(definition) return parsed_project
def _build_cache(self, loaded_files=None) -> None: """Build a cache of dimensionality and plain units.""" diskcache = self._diskcache if loaded_files and diskcache: cache, cache_basename = diskcache.load(loaded_files, "build_cache") if cache is None: self._build_cache(), loaded_files, "build_cache") return self._cache = RegistryCache() deps: dict[str, set[str]] = { name: set(definition.reference.keys()) if definition.reference else set() for name, definition in self._units.items() } for unit_names in solve_dependencies(deps): for unit_name in unit_names: if "[" in unit_name: continue parsed_names = self.parse_unit_name(unit_name) if parsed_names: prefix, base_name, _ = parsed_names[0] else: prefix, base_name = "", unit_name try: uc = ParserHelper.from_word(base_name, self.non_int_type) bu = self._get_root_units(uc) di = self._get_dimensionality(uc) self._cache.root_units[uc] = bu self._cache.dimensionality[uc] = di if not prefix: dimeq_set = self._cache.dimensional_equivalents.setdefault( di, set() ) dimeq_set.add(self._units[base_name].name) except Exception as exc: logger.warning(f"Could not resolve {unit_name}: {exc!r}") return self._cache
[docs] def get_name(self, name_or_alias: str, case_sensitive: bool | None = None) -> str: """Return the canonical name of a unit.""" if name_or_alias == "dimensionless": return "" try: return self._units[name_or_alias].name except KeyError: pass candidates = self.parse_unit_name(name_or_alias, case_sensitive) if not candidates: raise UndefinedUnitError(name_or_alias) prefix, unit_name, _ = candidates[0] if len(candidates) > 1: logger.warning( f"Parsing {name_or_alias} yield multiple results. Options are: {candidates!r}" ) if prefix: name = prefix + unit_name symbol = self.get_symbol(name, case_sensitive) prefix_def = self._prefixes[prefix] self._units[name] = UnitDefinition( name, symbol, tuple(), prefix_def.converter, self.UnitsContainer({unit_name: 1}), ) return prefix + unit_name return unit_name
[docs] def get_symbol(self, name_or_alias: str, case_sensitive: bool | None = None) -> str: """Return the preferred alias for a unit.""" candidates = self.parse_unit_name(name_or_alias, case_sensitive) if not candidates: raise UndefinedUnitError(name_or_alias) prefix, unit_name, _ = candidates[0] if len(candidates) > 1: logger.warning( f"Parsing {name_or_alias} yield multiple results. Options are: {candidates!r}" ) return self._prefixes[prefix].symbol + self._units[unit_name].symbol
def _get_symbol(self, name: str) -> str: return self._units[name].symbol
[docs] def get_dimensionality(self, input_units: UnitLike) -> UnitsContainer: """Convert unit or dict of units or dimensions to a dict of plain dimensions dimensions """ # TODO: This should be to_units_container(input_units, self) # but this tries to reparse and fail for dimensions. input_units = to_units_container(input_units) return self._get_dimensionality(input_units)
def _get_dimensionality(self, input_units: UnitsContainer | None) -> UnitsContainer: """Convert a UnitsContainer to plain dimensions.""" if not input_units: return self.UnitsContainer() cache = self._cache.dimensionality try: return cache[input_units] except KeyError: pass accumulator: dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) self._get_dimensionality_recurse(input_units, 1, accumulator) if "[]" in accumulator: del accumulator["[]"] dims = self.UnitsContainer({k: v for k, v in accumulator.items() if v != 0}) cache[input_units] = dims return dims def _get_dimensionality_recurse( self, ref: UnitsContainer, exp: Scalar, accumulator: dict[str, int] ) -> None: for key in ref: exp2 = exp * ref[key] if _is_dim(key): try: reg = self._dimensions[key] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"{key} is not defined as dimension in the pint UnitRegistry" ) if isinstance(reg, DerivedDimensionDefinition): self._get_dimensionality_recurse(reg.reference, exp2, accumulator) else: # DimensionDefinition. accumulator[key] += exp2 else: reg = self._units[self.get_name(key)] if reg.reference is not None: self._get_dimensionality_recurse(reg.reference, exp2, accumulator) def _get_dimensionality_ratio( self, unit1: UnitLike, unit2: UnitLike ) -> Scalar | None: """Get the exponential ratio between two units, i.e. solve unit2 = unit1**x for x. Parameters ---------- unit1 : UnitsContainer compatible (str, Unit, UnitsContainer, dict) first unit unit2 : UnitsContainer compatible (str, Unit, UnitsContainer, dict) second unit Returns ------- number or None exponential proportionality or None if the units cannot be converted """ # shortcut in case of equal units if unit1 == unit2: return 1 dim1, dim2 = (self.get_dimensionality(unit) for unit in (unit1, unit2)) if dim1 == dim2: return 1 elif not dim1 or not dim2 or dim1.keys() != dim2.keys(): # not comparable return None ratios = (dim2[key] / val for key, val in dim1.items()) first = next(ratios) if all(r == first for r in ratios): # all are same, we're good return first return None
[docs] def get_root_units( self, input_units: UnitLike, check_nonmult: bool = True ) -> tuple[Scalar, UnitT]: """Convert unit or dict of units to the root units. If any unit is non multiplicative and check_converter is True, then None is returned as the multiplicative factor. Parameters ---------- input_units : UnitsContainer or str units check_nonmult : bool if True, None will be returned as the multiplicative factor if a non-multiplicative units is found in the final Units. (Default value = True) Returns ------- Number, pint.Unit multiplicative factor, plain units """ input_units = to_units_container(input_units, self) f, units = self._get_root_units(input_units, check_nonmult) return f, self.Unit(units)
def _get_conversion_factor( self, src: UnitsContainer, dst: UnitsContainer ) -> Scalar | DimensionalityError: """Get conversion factor in non-multiplicative units. Parameters ---------- src Source units dst Target units Returns ------- Conversion factor or DimensionalityError """ cache = self._cache.conversion_factor try: return cache[(src, dst)] except KeyError: pass src_dim = self._get_dimensionality(src) dst_dim = self._get_dimensionality(dst) # If the source and destination dimensionality are different, # then the conversion cannot be performed. if src_dim != dst_dim: return DimensionalityError(src, dst, src_dim, dst_dim) # Here src and dst have only multiplicative units left. Thus we can # convert with a factor. factor, _ = self._get_root_units(src / dst) cache[(src, dst)] = factor return factor def _get_root_units( self, input_units: UnitsContainer, check_nonmult: bool = True ) -> tuple[Scalar, UnitsContainer]: """Convert unit or dict of units to the root units. If any unit is non multiplicative and check_converter is True, then None is returned as the multiplicative factor. Parameters ---------- input_units : UnitsContainer or dict units check_nonmult : bool if True, None will be returned as the multiplicative factor if a non-multiplicative units is found in the final Units. (Default value = True) Returns ------- number, Unit multiplicative factor, plain units """ if not input_units: return 1, self.UnitsContainer() cache = self._cache.root_units try: return cache[input_units] except KeyError: pass accumulators: dict[str | None, int] = defaultdict(int) accumulators[None] = 1 self._get_root_units_recurse(input_units, 1, accumulators) factor = accumulators[None] units = self.UnitsContainer( {k: v for k, v in accumulators.items() if k is not None and v != 0} ) # Check if any of the final units is non multiplicative and return None instead. if check_nonmult: if any(not self._units[unit].converter.is_multiplicative for unit in units): factor = None cache[input_units] = factor, units return factor, units
[docs] def get_base_units( self, input_units: UnitsContainer | str, check_nonmult: bool = True, system=None, ) -> tuple[Scalar, UnitT]: """Convert unit or dict of units to the plain units. If any unit is non multiplicative and check_converter is True, then None is returned as the multiplicative factor. Parameters ---------- input_units : UnitsContainer or str units check_nonmult : bool If True, None will be returned as the multiplicative factor if non-multiplicative units are found in the final Units. (Default value = True) system : (Default value = None) Returns ------- Number, pint.Unit multiplicative factor, plain units """ return self.get_root_units(input_units, check_nonmult)
# TODO: accumulators breaks typing list[int, dict[str, int]] # So we have changed the behavior here def _get_root_units_recurse( self, ref: UnitsContainer, exp: Scalar, accumulators: dict[str | None, int] ) -> None: """ accumulators None keeps the scalar prefactor not associated with a specific unit. """ for key in ref: exp2 = exp * ref[key] key = self.get_name(key) reg = self._units[key] if reg.is_base: accumulators[key] += exp2 else: accumulators[None] *= reg.converter.scale**exp2 if reg.reference is not None: self._get_root_units_recurse(reg.reference, exp2, accumulators) def get_compatible_units(self, input_units: QuantityOrUnitLike) -> frozenset[UnitT]: """ """ input_units = to_units_container(input_units) equiv = self._get_compatible_units(input_units) return frozenset(self.Unit(eq) for eq in equiv) def _get_compatible_units( self, input_units: UnitsContainer, *args, **kwargs ) -> frozenset[str]: """ """ if not input_units: return frozenset() src_dim = self._get_dimensionality(input_units) return self._cache.dimensional_equivalents.setdefault(src_dim, frozenset()) # TODO: remove context from here
[docs] def is_compatible_with( self, obj1: Any, obj2: Any, *contexts: str | Context, **ctx_kwargs ) -> bool: """check if the other object is compatible Parameters ---------- obj1, obj2 The objects to check against each other. Treated as dimensionless if not a Quantity, Unit or str. *contexts : str or pint.Context Contexts to use in the transformation. **ctx_kwargs : Values for the Context/s Returns ------- bool """ if isinstance(obj1, (self.Quantity, self.Unit)): return obj1.is_compatible_with(obj2, *contexts, **ctx_kwargs) if isinstance(obj1, str): return self.parse_expression(obj1).is_compatible_with( obj2, *contexts, **ctx_kwargs ) return not isinstance(obj2, (self.Quantity, self.Unit))
[docs] def convert( self, value: T, src: QuantityOrUnitLike, dst: QuantityOrUnitLike, inplace: bool = False, ) -> T: """Convert value from some source to destination units. Parameters ---------- value : value src : pint.Quantity or str source units. dst : pint.Quantity or str destination units. inplace : (Default value = False) Returns ------- type converted value """ src = to_units_container(src, self) dst = to_units_container(dst, self) if src == dst: return value return self._convert(value, src, dst, inplace)
def _convert( self, value: T, src: UnitsContainer, dst: UnitsContainer, inplace: bool = False, check_dimensionality: bool = True, ) -> T: """Convert value from some source to destination units. Parameters ---------- value : value src : UnitsContainer source units. dst : UnitsContainer destination units. inplace : (Default value = False) check_dimensionality : (Default value = True) Returns ------- type converted value """ factor = self._get_conversion_factor(src, dst) if isinstance(factor, DimensionalityError): raise factor # factor is type float and if our magnitude is type Decimal then # must first convert to Decimal before we can '*' the values if isinstance(value, Decimal): factor = Decimal(str(factor)) elif isinstance(value, Fraction): factor = Fraction(str(factor)) if inplace: value *= factor else: value = value * factor return value
[docs] def parse_unit_name( self, unit_name: str, case_sensitive: bool | None = None ) -> tuple[tuple[str, str, str], ...]: """Parse a unit to identify prefix, unit name and suffix by walking the list of prefix and suffix. In case of equivalent combinations (e.g. ('kilo', 'gram', '') and ('', 'kilogram', ''), prefer those with prefix. Parameters ---------- unit_name : case_sensitive : bool or None Control if unit lookup is case sensitive. Defaults to None, which uses the registry's case_sensitive setting Returns ------- tuple of tuples (str, str, str) all non-equivalent combinations of (prefix, unit name, suffix) """ case_sensitive = ( self.case_sensitive if case_sensitive is None else case_sensitive ) return self._dedup_candidates( self._yield_unit_triplets(unit_name, case_sensitive) )
def _yield_unit_triplets( self, unit_name: str, case_sensitive: bool ) -> Generator[tuple[str, str, str], None, None]: """Helper of parse_unit_name.""" stw = unit_name.startswith edw = unit_name.endswith for suffix, prefix in itertools.product(self._suffixes, self._prefixes): if stw(prefix) and edw(suffix): name = unit_name[len(prefix) :] if suffix: name = name[: -len(suffix)] if len(name) == 1: continue if case_sensitive: if name in self._units: yield ( self._prefixes[prefix].name, self._units[name].name, self._suffixes[suffix], ) else: for real_name in self._units_casei.get(name.lower(), ()): yield ( self._prefixes[prefix].name, self._units[real_name].name, self._suffixes[suffix], ) # TODO: keep this for backward compatibility _parse_unit_name = _yield_unit_triplets @staticmethod def _dedup_candidates( candidates: Iterable[tuple[str, str, str]], ) -> tuple[tuple[str, str, str], ...]: """Helper of parse_unit_name. Given an iterable of unit triplets (prefix, name, suffix), remove those with different names but equal value, preferring those with a prefix. e.g. ('kilo', 'gram', '') and ('', 'kilogram', '') """ candidates = dict.fromkeys(candidates) # ordered set for cp, cu, cs in list(candidates): assert isinstance(cp, str) assert isinstance(cu, str) if cs != "": raise NotImplementedError("non-empty suffix") if cp: candidates.pop(("", cp + cu, ""), None) return tuple(candidates)
[docs] def parse_units( self, input_string: str, as_delta: bool | None = None, case_sensitive: bool | None = None, ) -> UnitT: """Parse a units expression and returns a UnitContainer with the canonical names. The expression can only contain products, ratios and powers of units. Parameters ---------- input_string : str as_delta : bool or None if the expression has multiple units, the parser will interpret non multiplicative units as their `delta_` counterparts. (Default value = None) case_sensitive : bool or None Control if unit parsing is case sensitive. Defaults to None, which uses the registry's setting. Returns ------- pint.Unit """ return self.Unit( self.parse_units_as_container(input_string, as_delta, case_sensitive) )
def parse_units_as_container( self, input_string: str, as_delta: bool | None = None, case_sensitive: bool | None = None, ) -> UnitsContainer: as_delta = ( as_delta if as_delta is not None else True ) # TODO This only exists in nonmultiplicative case_sensitive = ( case_sensitive if case_sensitive is not None else self.case_sensitive ) return self._parse_units_as_container(input_string, as_delta, case_sensitive) def _parse_units_as_container( self, input_string: str, as_delta: bool = True, case_sensitive: bool = True, ) -> UnitsContainer: """Parse a units expression and returns a UnitContainer with the canonical names. """ cache = self._cache.parse_unit # Issue #1097: it is possible, when a unit was defined while a different context # was active, that the unit is in self._cache.parse_unit but not in self._units. # If this is the case, force self._units to be repopulated. if as_delta and input_string in cache and input_string in self._units: return cache[input_string] for p in self.preprocessors: input_string = p(input_string) if not input_string: return self.UnitsContainer() # Sanitize input_string with whitespaces. input_string = input_string.strip() units = ParserHelper.from_string(input_string, self.non_int_type) if units.scale != 1: raise ValueError("Unit expression cannot have a scaling factor.") ret = self.UnitsContainer({}) many = len(units) > 1 for name in units: cname = self.get_name(name, case_sensitive=case_sensitive) value = units[name] if not cname: continue if as_delta and (many or (not many and value != 1)): definition = self._units[cname] if not definition.is_multiplicative: cname = "delta_" + cname ret = ret.add(cname, value) if as_delta: cache[input_string] = ret return ret def _eval_token( self, token: TokenInfo, case_sensitive: bool | None = None, **values: QuantityArgument, ): """Evaluate a single token using the following rules: 1. numerical values as strings are replaced by their numeric counterparts - integers are parsed as integers - other numeric values are parses of non_int_type 2. strings in (inf, infinity, nan, dimensionless) with their numerical value. 3. strings in values.keys() are replaced by Quantity(values[key]) 4. in other cases, the values are parsed as units and replaced by their canonical name. Parameters ---------- token Token to evaluate. case_sensitive, optional If true, a case sensitive matching of the unit name will be done in the registry. If false, a case INsensitive matching of the unit name will be done in the registry. (Default value = None, which uses registry setting) **values Other string that will be parsed using the Quantity constructor on their corresponding value. """ token_type = token[0] token_text = token[1] if token_type == NAME: if token_text == "dimensionless": return self.Quantity(1) elif token_text.lower() in ("inf", "infinity"): return self.non_int_type("inf") elif token_text.lower() == "nan": return self.non_int_type("nan") elif token_text in values: return self.Quantity(values[token_text]) else: return self.Quantity( 1, self.UnitsContainer( {self.get_name(token_text, case_sensitive=case_sensitive): 1} ), ) elif token_type == NUMBER: return ParserHelper.eval_token(token, non_int_type=self.non_int_type) else: raise Exception("unknown token type")
[docs] def parse_pattern( self, input_string: str, pattern: str, case_sensitive: bool | None = None, many: bool = False, ) -> list[str] | str | None: """Parse a string with a given regex pattern and returns result. Parameters ---------- input_string pattern_string: The regex parse string case_sensitive, optional If true, a case sensitive matching of the unit name will be done in the registry. If false, a case INsensitive matching of the unit name will be done in the registry. (Default value = None, which uses registry setting) many, optional Match many results (Default value = False) """ if not input_string: return [] if many else None # Parse string regex = pattern_to_regex(pattern) matched = re.finditer(regex, input_string) # Extract result(s) results = [] for match in matched: # Extract units from result match = match.groupdict() # Parse units units = [ float(value) * self.parse_expression(unit, case_sensitive) for unit, value in match.items() ] # Add to results results.append(units) # Return first match only if not many: return results[0] return results
[docs] def parse_expression( self: Self, input_string: str, case_sensitive: bool | None = None, **values: QuantityArgument, ) -> QuantityT: """Parse a mathematical expression including units and return a quantity object. Numerical constants can be specified as keyword arguments and will take precedence over the names defined in the registry. Parameters ---------- input_string case_sensitive, optional If true, a case sensitive matching of the unit name will be done in the registry. If false, a case INsensitive matching of the unit name will be done in the registry. (Default value = None, which uses registry setting) **values Other string that will be parsed using the Quantity constructor on their corresponding value. """ if not input_string: return self.Quantity(1) for p in self.preprocessors: input_string = p(input_string) input_string = string_preprocessor(input_string) gen = pint_eval.tokenizer(input_string) def _define_op(s: str): return self._eval_token(s, case_sensitive=case_sensitive, **values) return build_eval_tree(gen).evaluate(_define_op)
# We put this last to avoid overriding UnitsContainer # and I do not want to rename it. # TODO: Maybe in the future we need to change it to a more meaningful # non-colliding name. def UnitsContainer(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> UnitsContainer: return UnitsContainer(*args, non_int_type=self.non_int_type, **kwargs) __call__ = parse_expression
[docs] class PlainRegistry(GenericPlainRegistry[PlainQuantity[Any], PlainUnit]): Quantity: TypeAlias = PlainQuantity[Any] Unit: TypeAlias = PlainUnit