.. _contributing: Contributing to Pint ==================== You can contribute in different ways: Report issues ------------- You can report any issues with the package, the documentation to the Pint `issue tracker`_. Also feel free to submit feature requests, comments or questions. Contribute code --------------- To contribute fixes, code or documentation to Pint, fork Pint in github_ and submit the changes using a pull request against the **master** branch. - If you are fixing a bug, add a test to test_issues.py, or amend/enrich the general test suite to cover the use case. - If you are submitting new code, add tests and documentation. - Write "Closes #" in the PR description or a comment, as described in the `github docs`_. - Log the change in the CHANGES file. - Execute ``black -t py36 . && isort -rc . && flake8`` and resolve any issues. Pint uses `bors-ng` as a merge bot and therefore every PR is tested before merging. In any case, feel free to use the `issue tracker`_ to discuss ideas for new features or improvements. Setting up your environment --------------------------- If you're contributing to this project for the fist time, you can set up your environment on Linux or OSX with the following commands:: $ git clone git@github.com:hgrecco/pint.git $ cd pint $ python -m virtualenv venv $ source venv/bin/activate $ pip install -e . $ pip install -r requirements_docs.txt Running tests and building documentation ---------------------------------------- To run the test suite, invoke pytest from the ``pint`` directory:: $ cd pint $ pytest To run the doctests, invoke Sphinx's doctest module from the ``docs`` directory:: $ cd docs $ make doctest To build the documentation, invoke Sphinx from the ``docs`` directory:: $ cd docs $ make html Extension Packages ------------------ Pint naturally integrates with other libraries in the scientific Python ecosystem, and a small number of `extension/compatibility packages`_ have arisen to aid in compatibility between certain packages. Pint's rule of thumb for integration features that work best as an extension pacakage versus direct inclusion in Pint is: * Extension (separate packages) * Duck array types that wrap Pint (come above Pint in `the type casting hierarchy`_) * Uses features independent/on top of the libraries * Examples: xarray, Pandas * Integration (built in to Pint) * Duck array types wrapped by Pint (below Pint in the type casting hierarchy) * Intermingling of APIs occurs * Examples: Dask .. _github: http://github.com/hgrecco/pint .. _`issue tracker`: https://github.com/hgrecco/pint/issues .. _`bors-ng`: https://github.com/bors-ng/bors-ng .. _`github docs`: https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-via-commit-messages/