Using Pint for currency conversions

Using Pint for currency conversions#

Currency conversion tends to be substantially more complex than physical units. The exact exchange rate between two currencies:

  • changes every minute,

  • changes depending on the place,

  • changes depending on who you are and who changes the money,

  • may be not reversible, e.g. EUR->USD may not be the same as 1/(USD->EUR),

  • different rates may apply to different amounts of money, e.g. in a BUY/SELL ledger,

  • frequently involves fees, whose calculation can be more or less sophisticated. For example, a typical credit card contract may state that the bank will charge you a fee on all purchases in foreign currency of 1 USD or 2%, whichever is higher, for all amounts less than 1000 USD, and then 1.5% for anything in excess.

You may implement currencies in two ways, both of which require you to be familiar with Contexts.

Simplified model#

This model implies a few strong assumptions:

  • There are no conversion fees

  • All exchange rates are reversible

  • Any amount of money can be exchanged at the same rate

  • All exchanges can happen at the same time, between the same actors.

In this simplified scenario, you can perform any round-trip across currencies and always come back with the original money; e.g. 1 USD -> EUR -> JPY -> GBP -> USD will always give you 1 USD.

In reality, these assumptions almost never happen but can be a reasonable approximation, for example in the case of large financial institutions, which can use interbank exchange rates and have nearly-limitless liquidity and sub-second trading systems.

This can be implemented by putting all currencies on the same dimension, with a default conversion rate of NaN, and then setting the rate within contexts:

USD = [currency]
EUR = nan USD
JPY = nan USD
GBP = nan USD

@context FX
    EUR = 1.11254 USD
    GBP = 1.16956 EUR

Note how, in the example above:

  • USD is our base currency. It is arbitrary, only matters for the purpose of invoking to_base_units(), and can be changed with Dealing with unit systems.

  • We did not set a value for JPY - maybe because the trader has no availability, or because the data source was for some reason missing up-to-date data. Any conversion involving JPY will return NaN.

  • We redefined GBP to be a function of EUR instead of USD. This is fine as long as there is a path between two currencies.

Full model#

If any of the assumptions of the simplified model fails, one can resort to putting each currency on its own dimension, and then implement transformations:

EUR = [currency_EUR]
GBP = [currency_GBP]

@context FX
    GBP -> EUR: value * 1.11108 EUR/GBP
    EUR -> GBP: value * 0.81227 GBP/EUR
>>> q = ureg.Quantity("1 EUR")
>>> with ureg.context("FX"):
... q ="GBP").to("EUR")
>>> q
0.9024969516 EUR

More sophisticated formulas, e.g. dealing with flat fees and thresholds, can be implemented with arbitrary python code by programmatically defining a context (see Contexts).

Currency Symbols#

Many common currency symbols are not supported by the pint parser. A preprocessor can be used as a workaround:

>>> import pint
>>> ureg = pint.UnitRegistry(preprocessors = [lambda s: s.replace("€", "EUR")])
>>> ureg.define("euro = [currency] = € = EUR")
>>> print(ureg.Quantity("1 €"))
1 euro