Source code for pint.delegates.formatter._format_helpers


    Convenient functions to help string formatting operations.

    :copyright: 2022 by Pint Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from import Callable, Generator, Iterable
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
from locale import LC_NUMERIC, getlocale, setlocale
from typing import (

from ...compat import ndarray
from ._spec_helpers import FORMATTER

    from numpy import integer as np_integer
except ImportError:
    np_integer = None

    from ...compat import Locale, Number

T = TypeVar("T")
U = TypeVar("U")
V = TypeVar("V")
W = TypeVar("W")

_PRETTY_EXPONENTS = "⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹"
_JOIN_REG_EXP = re.compile(r"{\d*}")

def format_number(value: Any, spec: str = "") -> str:
    """Format number

    This function might disapear in the future.
    Right now is aiding backwards compatible migration.
    if isinstance(value, float):
        return format(value, spec or ".16n")

    elif isinstance(value, int):
        return format(value, spec or "n")

    elif isinstance(value, ndarray) and value.ndim == 0:
        if issubclass(value.dtype.type, np_integer):
            return format(value, spec or "n")
            return format(value, spec or ".16n")
        return str(value)

def builtin_format(value: Any, spec: str = "") -> str:
    """A keyword enabled replacement for builtin format

    format has positional only arguments
    and this cannot be partialized
    and np requires a callable.
    return format(value, spec)

def override_locale(
    spec: str, locale: str | Locale | None
) -> Generator[Callable[[Any], str], Any, None]:
    """Given a spec a locale, yields a function to format a number.

    IMPORTANT: When the locale is not None, this function uses setlocale
    and therefore is not thread safe.

    if locale is None:
        # If locale is None, just return the builtin format function.
        yield ("{:" + spec + "}").format
        # If locale is not None, change it and return the backwards compatible
        # format_number.
        prev_locale_string = getlocale(LC_NUMERIC)
        if isinstance(locale, str):
            setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, locale)
            setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, str(locale))
        yield partial(format_number, spec=spec)
        setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, prev_locale_string)

def pretty_fmt_exponent(num: Number) -> str:
    """Format an number into a pretty printed exponent."""
    # unicode dot operator (U+22C5) looks like a superscript decimal
    ret = f"{num:n}".replace("-", "⁻").replace(".", "\u22C5")
    for n in range(10):
        ret = ret.replace(str(n), _PRETTY_EXPONENTS[n])
    return ret

def join_u(fmt: str, iterable: Iterable[Any]) -> str:
    """Join an iterable with the format specified in fmt.

    The format can be specified in two ways:
    - PEP3101 format with two replacement fields (eg. '{} * {}')
    - The concatenating string (eg. ' * ')
    if not iterable:
        return ""
    if not
        return fmt.join(iterable)
    miter = iter(iterable)
    first = next(miter)
    for val in miter:
        ret = fmt.format(first, val)
        first = ret
    return first

def join_mu(joint_fstring: str, mstr: str, ustr: str) -> str:
    """Join magnitude and units.

    This avoids that `3 and `1 / m` becomes `3 1 / m`
    if ustr.startswith("1 / "):
        return joint_fstring.format(mstr, ustr[2:])
    return joint_fstring.format(mstr, ustr)

def join_unc(joint_fstring: str, lpar: str, rpar: str, mstr: str, ustr: str) -> str:
    """Join uncertainty magnitude and units.

    Uncertainty magnitudes might require extra parenthesis when joined to units.
    - YES: 3 +/- 1
    - NO : 3(1)
    - NO : (3 +/ 1)e-9

    This avoids that `(3 + 1)` and `meter` becomes ((3 +/- 1) meter)
    if mstr.startswith(lpar) or mstr.endswith(rpar):
        return joint_fstring.format(mstr, ustr)
    return joint_fstring.format(lpar + mstr + rpar, ustr)

[docs] def formatter( numerator: Iterable[tuple[str, Number]], denominator: Iterable[tuple[str, Number]], as_ratio: bool = True, single_denominator: bool = False, product_fmt: str = " * ", division_fmt: str = " / ", power_fmt: str = "{} ** {}", parentheses_fmt: str = "({0})", exp_call: FORMATTER = "{:n}".format, ) -> str: """Format a list of (name, exponent) pairs. Parameters ---------- items : list a list of (name, exponent) pairs. as_ratio : bool, optional True to display as ratio, False as negative powers. (Default value = True) single_denominator : bool, optional all with terms with negative exponents are collected together. (Default value = False) product_fmt : str the format used for multiplication. (Default value = " * ") division_fmt : str the format used for division. (Default value = " / ") power_fmt : str the format used for exponentiation. (Default value = "{} ** {}") parentheses_fmt : str the format used for parenthesis. (Default value = "({0})") exp_call : callable (Default value = lambda x: f"{x:n}") Returns ------- str the formula as a string. """ if as_ratio: fun = lambda x: exp_call(abs(x)) else: fun = exp_call pos_terms: list[str] = [] for key, value in numerator: if value == 1: pos_terms.append(key) else: pos_terms.append(power_fmt.format(key, fun(value))) neg_terms: list[str] = [] for key, value in denominator: if value == -1 and as_ratio: neg_terms.append(key) else: neg_terms.append(power_fmt.format(key, fun(value))) if not pos_terms and not neg_terms: return "" if not as_ratio: # Show as Product: positive * negative terms ** -1 return join_u(product_fmt, pos_terms + neg_terms) # Show as Ratio: positive terms / negative terms pos_ret = join_u(product_fmt, pos_terms) or "1" if not neg_terms: return pos_ret if single_denominator: neg_ret = join_u(product_fmt, neg_terms) if len(neg_terms) > 1: neg_ret = parentheses_fmt.format(neg_ret) else: neg_ret = join_u(division_fmt, neg_terms) return join_u(division_fmt, [pos_ret, neg_ret])