Source code for pint.facets.plain.definitions


    :copyright: 2022 by Pint Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import numbers
import typing as ty
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any

from ... import errors
from ..._typing import Magnitude
from ...converters import Converter
from ...util import UnitsContainer

class NotNumeric(Exception):
    """Internal exception. Do not expose outside Pint"""

    def __init__(self, value: Any):
        self.value = value

# Convenience functions

class Equality:
    """An equality statement contains a left and right hand separated
    by and equal (=) sign.

        lhs = rhs

    lhs and rhs are space stripped.

    lhs: str
    rhs: str

class CommentDefinition:
    """A comment"""

    comment: str

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class DefaultsDefinition: """Directive to store default values.""" group: ty.Optional[str] system: ty.Optional[str] def items(self): if is not None: yield "group", if self.system is not None: yield "system", self.system
@dataclass(frozen=True) class NamedDefinition: #: name of the prefix name: str
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class PrefixDefinition(NamedDefinition, errors.WithDefErr): """Definition of a prefix.""" #: scaling value for this prefix value: numbers.Number #: canonical symbol defined_symbol: str | None = "" #: additional names for the same prefix aliases: ty.Tuple[str, ...] = () @property def symbol(self) -> str: return self.defined_symbol or @property def has_symbol(self) -> bool: return bool(self.defined_symbol) @cached_property def converter(self) -> ScaleConverter: return ScaleConverter(self.value) def __post_init__(self): if not errors.is_valid_prefix_name( raise self.def_err(errors.MSG_INVALID_PREFIX_NAME) if self.defined_symbol and not errors.is_valid_prefix_symbol( raise self.def_err( f"the symbol {self.defined_symbol} " + errors.MSG_INVALID_PREFIX_SYMBOL ) for alias in self.aliases: if not errors.is_valid_prefix_alias(alias): raise self.def_err( f"the alias {alias} " + errors.MSG_INVALID_PREFIX_ALIAS )
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class UnitDefinition(NamedDefinition, errors.WithDefErr): """Definition of a unit.""" #: canonical symbol defined_symbol: str | None #: additional names for the same unit aliases: tuple[str, ...] #: A functiont that converts a value in these units into the reference units # TODO: this has changed as converter is now annotated as converter. # Briefly, in several places converter attributes like as_multiplicative were # accesed. So having a generic function is a no go. # I guess this was never used as errors where not raised. converter: Converter | None #: Reference units. reference: UnitsContainer | None def __post_init__(self): if not errors.is_valid_unit_name( raise self.def_err(errors.MSG_INVALID_UNIT_NAME) # TODO: check why reference: Optional[UnitsContainer] assert isinstance(self.reference, UnitsContainer) if not any(map(errors.is_dim, self.reference.keys())): invalid = tuple( itertools.filterfalse(errors.is_valid_unit_name, self.reference.keys()) ) if invalid: raise self.def_err( f"refers to {', '.join(invalid)} that " + errors.MSG_INVALID_UNIT_NAME ) is_base = False elif all(map(errors.is_dim, self.reference.keys())): invalid = tuple( itertools.filterfalse( errors.is_valid_dimension_name, self.reference.keys() ) ) if invalid: raise self.def_err( f"refers to {', '.join(invalid)} that " + errors.MSG_INVALID_DIMENSION_NAME ) is_base = True scale = getattr(self.converter, "scale", 1) if scale != 1: return self.def_err( "Base unit definitions cannot have a scale different to 1. " f"(`{scale}` found)" ) else: raise self.def_err( "Cannot mix dimensions and units in the same definition. " "Base units must be referenced only to dimensions. " "Derived units must be referenced only to units." ) super.__setattr__(self, "_is_base", is_base) if self.defined_symbol and not errors.is_valid_unit_symbol( raise self.def_err( f"the symbol {self.defined_symbol} " + errors.MSG_INVALID_UNIT_SYMBOL ) for alias in self.aliases: if not errors.is_valid_unit_alias(alias): raise self.def_err( f"the alias {alias} " + errors.MSG_INVALID_UNIT_ALIAS ) @property def is_base(self) -> bool: """Indicates if it is a base unit.""" # TODO: This is set in __post_init__ return self._is_base @property def is_multiplicative(self) -> bool: # TODO: Check how to avoid this check assert isinstance(self.converter, Converter) return self.converter.is_multiplicative @property def is_logarithmic(self) -> bool: # TODO: Check how to avoid this check assert isinstance(self.converter, Converter) return self.converter.is_logarithmic @property def symbol(self) -> str: return self.defined_symbol or @property def has_symbol(self) -> bool: return bool(self.defined_symbol)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class DimensionDefinition(NamedDefinition, errors.WithDefErr): """Definition of a root dimension""" @property def is_base(self) -> bool: return True def __post_init__(self) -> None: if not errors.is_valid_dimension_name( raise self.def_err(errors.MSG_INVALID_DIMENSION_NAME)
@dataclass(frozen=True) class DerivedDimensionDefinition(DimensionDefinition): """Definition of a derived dimension.""" #: reference dimensions. reference: UnitsContainer @property def is_base(self) -> bool: return False def __post_init__(self): if not errors.is_valid_dimension_name( raise self.def_err(errors.MSG_INVALID_DIMENSION_NAME) if not all(map(errors.is_dim, self.reference.keys())): return self.def_err( "derived dimensions must only reference other dimensions" ) invalid = tuple( itertools.filterfalse(errors.is_valid_dimension_name, self.reference.keys()) ) if invalid: raise self.def_err( f"refers to {', '.join(invalid)} that " + errors.MSG_INVALID_DIMENSION_NAME )
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class AliasDefinition(errors.WithDefErr): """Additional alias(es) for an already existing unit.""" #: name of the already existing unit name: str #: aditional names for the same unit aliases: ty.Tuple[str, ...] def __post_init__(self): if not errors.is_valid_unit_name( raise self.def_err(errors.MSG_INVALID_UNIT_NAME) for alias in self.aliases: if not errors.is_valid_unit_alias(alias): raise self.def_err( f"the alias {alias} " + errors.MSG_INVALID_UNIT_ALIAS )
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class ScaleConverter(Converter): """A linear transformation without offset.""" scale: float def to_reference(self, value: Magnitude, inplace: bool = False) -> Magnitude: if inplace: value *= self.scale else: value = value * self.scale return value def from_reference(self, value: Magnitude, inplace: bool = False) -> Magnitude: if inplace: value /= self.scale else: value = value / self.scale return value