Source code for pint.formatting


    Format units for pint.

    :copyright: 2016 by Pint Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

from __future__ import annotations

from numbers import Number
from typing import Iterable

from .delegates.formatter._format_helpers import (
    _PRETTY_EXPONENTS,  # noqa: F401
from .delegates.formatter._format_helpers import (
    join_u as _join,  # noqa: F401
from .delegates.formatter._format_helpers import (
    pretty_fmt_exponent as _pretty_fmt_exponent,  # noqa: F401
from .delegates.formatter._spec_helpers import (
    _BASIC_TYPES,  # noqa: F401
    FORMATTER,  # noqa: F401
    extract_custom_flags,  # noqa: F401
    remove_custom_flags,  # noqa: F401
from .delegates.formatter._spec_helpers import (
    parse_spec as _parse_spec,  # noqa: F401
from .delegates.formatter._spec_helpers import (
    split_format as split_format,  # noqa: F401

# noqa
from .delegates.formatter._to_register import register_unit_format  # noqa: F401

# Backwards compatiblity stuff
from .delegates.formatter.latex import (
    _EXP_PATTERN,  # noqa: F401
    latex_escape,  # noqa: F401
    matrix_to_latex,  # noqa: F401
    ndarray_to_latex,  # noqa: F401
    ndarray_to_latex_parts,  # noqa: F401
    siunitx_format_unit,  # noqa: F401
    vector_to_latex,  # noqa: F401

[docs] def formatter( items: Iterable[tuple[str, Number]], as_ratio: bool = True, single_denominator: bool = False, product_fmt: str = " * ", division_fmt: str = " / ", power_fmt: str = "{} ** {}", parentheses_fmt: str = "({0})", exp_call: FORMATTER = "{:n}".format, sort: bool = True, ) -> str: """Format a list of (name, exponent) pairs. Parameters ---------- items : list a list of (name, exponent) pairs. as_ratio : bool, optional True to display as ratio, False as negative powers. (Default value = True) single_denominator : bool, optional all with terms with negative exponents are collected together. (Default value = False) product_fmt : str the format used for multiplication. (Default value = " * ") division_fmt : str the format used for division. (Default value = " / ") power_fmt : str the format used for exponentiation. (Default value = "{} ** {}") parentheses_fmt : str the format used for parenthesis. (Default value = "({0})") exp_call : callable (Default value = lambda x: f"{x:n}") sort : bool, optional True to sort the formatted units alphabetically (Default value = True) Returns ------- str the formula as a string. """ join_u = _join if sort is False: items = tuple(items) else: items = sorted(items) if not items: return "" if as_ratio: fun = lambda x: exp_call(abs(x)) else: fun = exp_call pos_terms, neg_terms = [], [] for key, value in items: if value == 1: pos_terms.append(key) elif value > 0: pos_terms.append(power_fmt.format(key, fun(value))) elif value == -1 and as_ratio: neg_terms.append(key) else: neg_terms.append(power_fmt.format(key, fun(value))) if not as_ratio: # Show as Product: positive * negative terms ** -1 return _join(product_fmt, pos_terms + neg_terms) # Show as Ratio: positive terms / negative terms pos_ret = _join(product_fmt, pos_terms) or "1" if not neg_terms: return pos_ret if single_denominator: neg_ret = join_u(product_fmt, neg_terms) if len(neg_terms) > 1: neg_ret = parentheses_fmt.format(neg_ret) else: neg_ret = join_u(division_fmt, neg_terms) # TODO: first or last pos_ret should be pluralized return _join(division_fmt, [pos_ret, neg_ret])
def format_unit(unit, spec: str, registry=None, **options): # registry may be None to allow formatting `UnitsContainer` objects # in that case, the spec may not be "Lx" if not unit: if spec.endswith("%"): return "" else: return "dimensionless" if not spec: spec = "D" if registry is None: _formatter = REGISTERED_FORMATTERS.get(spec, None) else: try: _formatter = registry.formatter._formatters[spec] except Exception: _formatter = registry.formatter._formatters.get(spec, None) if _formatter is None: raise ValueError(f"Unknown conversion specified: {spec}") return _formatter.format_unit(unit)